Mongoose rider Cam White was invited to attend the Happy Valley Park Contest in Shenzhen China during May 1 - May 5. Here's how it went down in Cam's own words: After four days of rain the contest was finally finished. It was supposed to be a four day event but due to weather conditions it was postponed and the contest was shaved down to a two run contest with no finals. There were some really good riders from Thailand and China. One of the kids had every trick possible: 720's, flairs and double whips but it sucked because he crashed in both runs. He would have won the entire contest if he hadn't crashed.
Pete Radivo and
Brendon Jones made it out from Australia. Both of those kids have some amazing talent and know how to throw down. Pete did some awesome tailwhip variations including a huge x-up transfer in the Best Trick Contest. Brendon did the biggest flip turndown I have ever seen.
I stuck the runs that I wanted so I was pretty stoked. I am primarily a dirt rider so it's hard for me to link a lot of stuff but lucky for me the park has two box jumps and a sweet spine transfer over to the box jump. All in all it was a great contest and I was stoked to be invited.

Thanks heaps to everyone who organized the event and I hope to see you all again.
Contest Results: 1st Cameron White
2nd Pete Radivo
3rd Young Mate from Thailand
Best trick: 1st Cameron White
2nd Pete Radivo
3rd Brendon Jones
By Mongoose press release
Pics: Cam White's myspace