-Movie: Clerks
-Colour: Black
-Shoes: Vans of course
-Bike company: RIP Mutiny
-BMX contest: Ain't nobody got time for that
-Bike shop: Mud, Sweat and Gears, RIP: BMX GALLERY and Mission
-Restaurant chain: A&chub
-Clothing company: FBM
-Phone: Phones are wack
-Music: Made by people not computers
-Ramp rider: Drew Bezanson or Dylan Lewis
-Street rider: Shaun Burns
-Dirt rider: Chris Doyle
-Flatland rider: Percy!
-Old school rider: Mat Hoffman
-Drink: Margherita!
-Trick: Turndown
-BMX Magazine: Dig or The Albion
-Video game: Fallout new Vegas
-BMX photographer: Justin Schwanke
-BMX Filmer: Justin Schwanke
-Girl: Mine
-Sport besides BMX: Snowboarding
-Party: Yes