-Person on Instagram: Kharrisbmx
-Travel destination: Fresno bike park
-Riders to ride with: Kyle Harris
-Car: Beetle
-Movie: Happy Gilmore
-Colour: Dark Black
-Shoes: Half cabs
-Bike company: SOLID
-BMX contest: Dreamline
-Bike shop: Als
-Restaurant chain: Muchas Gracias
-Clothing company: Vans
-Phone: The kind that works
-Music: Metal, Bluegrass, Rrrrock and Rrrroll
-Ramp rider: Dave Mirra
-Street rider: Dak
-Dirt rider: Mike Aitken
-Flatland rider: Matthias (that dude on Haro)
-Old school rider: Keith Harris
-Drink: Booz
-Trick: Turndown
-BMX Magazine: Dig
-BMX MC: Steve Crandell
-Video game: Pump Bmx
-BMX photographer: That one guy
-BMX Filmer: Shad Johnson
-Girl: Ashley Akin
-Sport besides BMX: BMX
-Party: Why? Because I got to, mister!