Nominate NOW for the Moora Cup! Once again, the entire Dutch BMX scene is dying to find out: who is going home with the title of Moora Cup winner this year? Till the 10th of March, you can nominate your favorite rider in twelve different categories. On the 10th of March, we will announce the nominees for the Moora Cup ’08. From then on, you can vote for your favorite rider on our website. On the 22nd of March, we will announce the winners during a booming award show in the Winston club in Amsterdam. YOU have a right to voice your opinion so nominate NOW and let everyone know who should win the title of Moora Cup ’08 winner!
Nominating The Moora Cup, or: the Meest Oer Originele Rijder Award Cup, is an annual initiative to support the Dutch BMX scene. This way, Dutch BMX riders get the chance to show what they have achieved over the past year and get rewarded for it in the right way.

They will battle each other in twelve different categories and in the end, YOU get to choose who should come out on top. Last year, riders like
Barry Köhne got rewarded with Dirtrider of the year and
Sytse Winkel got hold of the title Flatlander of the year. Who was the best according to you this last year (March 2007 – March 2008)? Make yourself be heard and nominate now on!
Voting On the 10th of March, the nominees will be revealed on From that moment and on, the heat is on! Everyone can vote a single time in every single of the 12 different categories. Are you a nominated rider? Or do you think a certain rider should win? So what are you waiting for? Get your parents to vote as well, and.. what the heck, roll your grandmother in her wheelchair to a computer and make sure she votes as well! In the end, the rules are very simple: the one with the most votes wins!
Spectacular Award Show 
On the 22nd of March, all votes will be counted and we will announce the winners in the twelve different categories during a spectacular award show in the Winston Club in Amsterdam. You won’t need you bike for this one, just one hand to hold your beer and one to receive your award with. Or, of course, to salute your best BMX friends! Local up and coming Amsterdam punk rock group
Union Town will be there to rock the crowd and we might even have another surprise guest on stage. Curious who? Make sure you’re there on the 22nd of March!
Moora Cup ‘08 -Date:
22 Maart , Doors open: 19: 30, Start: 20:00 uur
-Venue: Winston Kingdom, Warmoesstraat 131 , 1012JA , Amsterdam, Netherlands.
-Live music by: Union Town, and DJs.
-More info:
-Sponsors: Soul Cycle, Lotek and Vanalles