Bad news came in about Mike Vincent being hospitalized from a bike accident. We will keep you informed about his status and once again we can help out as a BMX community. More on that as info comes in.
TJ Lavin, Pippa & Simon Tabron and Cory Nastazio made a song for and about the life of Stephen Murray. It's not available yet but once it is, go get it .

-Kym Grosser
-Scotty Cranmer
-Anthony Watkinson
RedBull is known for throwing special events. They've got one coming in Australia.
I'll hand this over to FATBMX's two solid contributors Lloyd Ramsay and DJ for some more news:
From Lloyd Ramsay:
- Kurtis Elwell no longer rides for Volume bikes. Someone give him a signature frame already! In other sponsor line up changes Kurtis also switched from Etnies to Lotek.
- 2-Hip rider/videographer/ninja Jarrod Allen has a signature frame in the works. Keep an eye on their site for updates and check out the trailer for their new video filmed in their UK trip in 2007

- I made it out to the San Francisco leg of the AMA Supercross which was a mud race and some of the best racing I have ever seen. Good way to spend my last weekend in America. I wonder if they still have the crossover race where athletes from other sports enter on mini-bikes? Bart once raced it and Vanilla Ice himself always seems to enter but never show up. It was the first ever Supercross televised here in the US in Hi Def. Hopefully we get to see some BMX events get upgraded to Hi Def as well.
From DJ:
"Don't have much to report this week I'm afraid, been holed up either at work or on my way to/from work where I have discovered it is pretty much impossible to drive below 100mph while listening to Metallica's Enter Sandman!

-Scott Hamlin was officially the only person to waste his time posting a myspace bulletin from Tallinn!
-Ben Wallace had his wrist operation where they used bone from his hip & a few screws to put him back together. He'll be off his bike for 4-6 weeks & will be good again just in time for LET.
-Stephan Prantl is now the proud father of a little boy which was born on Wednesday. Stephan & his wife Tazalika called their new addition Frantz Michael. Good job.
Before I go another recommendation is that you all go & watch Hot Rod on DVD, easily the funniest movie I've seen since Napoleon Dynamite & very appealing to all you stunt bikers out there in BMX land!! Maybe more worthwhile info next week???????"
Thanks guys, that wraps up another issue of Fat Friday. It was a busy week with the Simpel Session thrown in there. Good times though, good times......