"Wild Matt" Shannon, RawB Blacharski, "BriGuy" Brian Russel, "Superfly" John Skvarla, Chase Hawk, Brian Kaminski, Paul Eibeler, Sean Dillon, Jason Sunday, Mark Gralla, Rob-O Morales, Paul Cvikevich, Chris Hallman, Derrick Girard, Brian Yeagle, Ryan LongDreads, Bobby Delaat, James P. Nutter, Dave King, Weird Mike, Kenny Garth, Joey "Shitpants" Trimarchi, Craig "ManBoy" Passero, Stevie Q, Keith Terra, Dan Bailey, Chris Zeppieri, Marvin Morales, Nick Fioretti, Justin Zober, Dave Yerziersky, Steve Adams, Ryan Hoey, Tom "The Asshole" Passero, Thomas Baltrus, Tom D'stefano, James Reres, Greg Trunz, "Shredder" Dan Antoniou, "Sweatshop" Dave Gandy", Afro Pat" Schreader, "Medium Sean" Mcabe, Grady Corbitt, Mark Trimarchi, Brien Shoemaker, Carl Fumia, Timmy Shannon, Jimmy Levan, Byron Anderson, Chris Biggers, Paul Buchanan, Patrick "P-Dog", Isaac Hoefling, Tony Cardona, Joe Simon, Dylan Smith, Adam Johnston, Tommy "El Paso" Betts, Dave Maloney, Gay Keith, Justin French, "Shit Kat" Chris Kitley, The Minersville Locals, & Brian Foster

Pioneer Theater NYC East 3rd street between Ave. A & B
Seats are limited and running out, theres only about 25 left and people must RSVP and I'll get back to them with which showing they can go to. Mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
View the promo vid at www.superbmx.com (hit videos button).
Photo: Jed Rogers