Many products that are featured on this site are offered in limited quantities and in some cases are only up for very short time. We are constantly putting up new items, so check often.We are also offer a 20% OFF all orders $100.00 or more to the HB Myspace Friends. Enter coupon code myspace20 when viewing your shopping cart. 20% off ends Dec 8th.
ONLINE ORDERS ARE AVAILABLE FOR USA CUSTOMERS ONLY! if you live out side of the USA we can help you thorough our outlet store contact us page. Sidewall Distribution is the Exclusive HB distributor for USA

We have the HB '08 Catalog up and ready for download. Don't wait! Christmas is right around the corner. Be sure to download today and get your wish list made.
Catch a first glance at some of the new HB shirt designs. The first round of designs feature the Zag shirt, the Peace Shirt and the SK design, Seth Kimbroughs' rider design shirt. Throughout the 2008 year, we will be continually releasing new HB rider designed shirts. The first rider on the chopping block is Seth Kimbrough's SK shirt. These shirts will be offered in several colors ways and will be ready for purchase in early January 2008. We will keep you updated.