There is now a new way that you can donate funds! Go to www.stephenmurrayfamilyfund.com where there is a link directly to the Pay Pal account for Stephen Murray. You can determine your own dollar amount and even if you are not registered with Pay Pal you can still donate. For all who have donated by email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. this is all now linked into one account. It has been overwhelming with the number of emails to send out invoices for each individual donation. Now it’s all stream lined into one button. Please pass this web site around to everyone you can. www.stephenmurrayfamilyfund.com
There is also a myspace page set up at www.myspace.com/murraystrong You can also copy the following HTML coding to you’re my space profile and it will include his beloved flag from Great Britain and the message to STAY STRONG STEVEN MURRAY. It will also create a link from your myspace page directly to the web site where people can donate!!! So copy and paste the code to your myspace interest and personality profile to help spread the word!!!

Use the code below to add to your Myspace profile
Just copy and paste it in the interests & personality
section of your profile.

Top pic: Warren "Marvell" Marchese