Grips: AK Cult grips
Bar ends: DK bar ends
Seat: Cult
Seatpost: Cult
Sprocket: Stolen
Cranks: Profile DGH
Pedals: Premium slims
Chain: Shadow Conspiracy
Front hub: Profile mini
Front rim: 18" Alienation Black Sheep

Front tire: United direct
Rear hub: Profile mini
Rear rim: 18" Alienation Black Sheep
Rear tire: United direct
Modifications: titianam spokes, custom paint job
Who did the cool paintjob on your bike?
Andrew: Harry Signs in Hollister (my dad's friend)

Andrew: Yes
Where do you normally ride?
Andrew: Hollister has a small park, my dad has to drive me to different parks to ride

Andrew: Yes, Wade, Big Brian, Paul, Nikita, Jayden, Max, Little Kayden, they make me ride hard and we always have fun.
Do you enter a lot of contests?
Andrew: Yes, this was my first year competing and I enjoy competing
What do you like to ride most

Andrew: I like to ride all but my favorite is park and dirt
Do you want to thank anybody?
Andrew: Robbie Morales and a big shout out to the Cult Crew crazy Chris!!! Woodward west, Red Bull for sending me out to Woodward East. To all the Pro's that have encouraged me, it's been the funniest year.

By BdJ