Name: Ben Malette
Age: 23
Hometown: Guelph, Ontario, Canada
Hook-ups/Sponsors: Krusher Bmx
The FAT favorites list:
-Spot to ride: Mike Varga’s backyard aka Vargaland or Inflow skatepark
-BMX video: Don’t really have a favourite, love any old Props BMX video!
-Website: The Source BMX or Albes
-Web video: Harrymainia
-Food: Cheese Pizza
-Person on Instagram: Benmalettebmx
-Travel destination: Australia Gold Coast
-Riders to ride with: Mike Varga
-Car: 997 Porsche GT3 RS
Name: Crazy Pete
Age: 30
Hometown: Am gonna just say North West England (because I get about)
Hook-ups/Sponsors: Dub BMX/Seventies BMX/KINK BMX/DAMGOOD Coffee/Brotherhood BMX/
The FAT favorites list:
-Spot to ride: Any sort of rail, or just something that don’t even resemble a spot (And get funky with it haha)
-BMX video: I can’t really decide on one video (Anything with big drops an gnarly kink rails)
-Website: Porn hub
-Food: Lasagna (homemade by me)
-Person on Instagram: (Mini) Mati Lasgoity. (His smiling face and riding style are just so uplifting)
-Travel destination: Barcelona for the endless spots.
-Riders to ride with: Anyone really
-Car: I don’t drive but if I did I'd be hillbilly as fuck with an El Camino
Name: Gerrit Van Opdenbosch
Age: 23
Hometown: Ninove, BE
Hook-ups/Sponsors: Mega Fun House, Het Systeem supplements, Get Insane.
The FAT favorite list:
-Spot to ride: Adrenaline Alley - Corby
-BMX video: Kevin Peraza - Arizona Fire
-Web video: Besides BMX videos, I also enjoy watching car content. Schaefchen's videos are always a good watch.
-Food: Steak or anything Italian
-Person on Instagram: Kieran Reilly's clips never disappoint!
-Travel destination: I'd love to visit Japan.
Name: Dennis White
Age: 37
Hometown: North Attleboro MA, USA
Hook-ups/Sponsors: Wheel House BMX, Shajn at Pareidolia helps me a lot, Vic at Circuit keeps all us locals rolling smooth
The FAT favorite list:
-Spot to ride: 8ft Wood Quarter
-BMX video: Madd Matt
-Website: EBay
-Web video: Fast and Loose, Simone Barraco - 10%
-Food: Peanuts
-Travel destination: Outer Banks North Carolina
-Riders to ride with: Daily Crew: Amanda O’Neil, Cappsie, Brad Fardy, Dennis Lynch, Paul Gingras Weekend Crew: Circuit Boys, Shajn w/ Pareidolia Boys, EAT Crew, Edge and Foxy Rippers
-Car: S2000
-Movie: Fight Club
Name: Magnus Dyhre
Age: 19
Hometown: Taulov, Denmark
Plate number: It changes
Hook-ups/Sponsors: DyhreCycling
---The FAT favorite list---
-Track to race on: Verona or tracks with a good flow
-Favourite Race: UCI BMX World Cups
-Food: Burger/steaks
-Gym: Old school gyms
-Person on Instagram: Håb
-Travel destination: Alicante for sure
-People to ride with: Simon Højsgaard, Victor Vestring and the other Danish guys of course
-Trainer/Coach: Klaus Bøgh
-Pump track: Dyhrecycling pump tracks
Name: Daisuke Shiraishi
Age: 31
Hometown: Niihama, Ehime, Japan. (Live in Tokyo now)
Hook-ups/Sponsors: CellaDoors., Animalbikes, Aliveindustry, YellBrandF.B.C.S, MOTO-BUNKA
The FAT favorite list:
-Spot to ride: All street spots don't need bunny hop.
-BMX video: BMX DVD I watched for the first time is Odyssey "ELECTORONICAL".
-Web video: "Fitlife" video trailer. I found this on YouTube and then entered the world of BMX.
-Food: Ryuho's Fried rice
-Twitter to follow: No Twitter
-Person on Instagram: @Chasehawk
-Travel destination: Japan, Korea, Taiwan, NYC, Philly, Boston, England, Belgium, Rotterdam etcetc....