-Car: Evo's!
-Movie: Anything that makes me think
-Colour: Black and white
-Shoes: Vans for sure
-Bike company: Any single company that hooks it up for their riders, I love to buy product from companies that really do a lot for their riders.
-BMX contest: Dew tour for sure. ASA triples is a fun one too
-Bike shop: 5050
-Restaurant chain: Chipotle
-Clothing company: March Forth!
-Phone: Every phone I've ever had pissed me off.
-Music: Andrew W.K.! All That Remains, Billy Talent! anything rockin hard!
-Ramp rider: Jamie Bestwick and Dave Mirra
-Street rider: Garrett Reynolds
-Dirt rider: Stephen Murray is the gnar and is a perfect example of bmx dirt, gnarly. Dennis Enarson is incredible and Aitken makes it look amazing
-Flatland rider: John Bethers ;)
-Old school rider: DMC. Still killin vert. First time watching bmx 99 gravity games in his chest protector killing it and getting gnarly probably is what drew me into starting to ride a few years later. That guy is nuts.
-Drink: Milk/monster
-Trick: anything gnarly! if it takes serious balls, I'll love it.
-BMX Magazine: Plus and Ride are all I really see and both are good
-BMX MC: John Bethers, Dan Hubbard, and of course Catfish. Bestwick does a really good job on tv too.
-Video game: There needs to be a new bmx video game for sure. I'll let u know then
-BMX photographer: Bryce Packham, John Bethers
-Girl: my bike
-Party: Gnarnia