-Website: Instagram @armandomontesbmx
-Foods: Waffles and Enchiladas
-Twitter to follow: no
-Person on Instagram: @armandomontesbmx
-Travel destination: Denmark
-Riders to travel with: @erick_pinedabmx
-Car: Ram 700
-Film: the judge
-Color: black
-Shoes: @heydogshoesbmx
-Bike company: We the People BMX
-BMX contest: BiciExpo
-Bike shop: Bici Lopez Cancún
-Restaurant chain: Carls Jr
-Clothing company: nop
-Phone: iphone
-Music: cold, indie rock
-Ramp Rider: Mark Webb
-Street rider: Garret Reynolds
-Dirt rider: Kevin Peraza
-Flatland rider: Iram De la Rosa
-Old school rider: Mat Hoffman
-To drink: water
-Trick: Decade and Frontflips
-BMX Magazine: Ride BMX
-Videogame: resident evil
-Bmx photographer: @erickpineda_bmx
-BMX Filmer: @erickpineda_bmx
-Little girl: Emma Watson jaja
-Sport in addition to BMX: all extreme sports
-Party: Nope