-BMX contest: Vans BMX Pro
-Bike shop: Plains Bike Shop
-Food: Fried chicken, burgers
-Restaurant chain: Buffalo Wild Wings
-Clothing company: AxelRad
-Movie: Seal Team 6
-Phone: iPhone
-Music: Rap, Deathmetal
-Ramp rider: Dennis Condusta
-Street rider: Garrett Reynolds
-Dirt rider: Dennis Condusta
-Flatland rider: Mr. Chenga
-Old school rider: Dave Mirra
-Drink: Water/Preworkout
-Trick: Pegs-to-anything; turndown
-BMX Magazine: Ridepabmx
-BMX MC: Dennis "DMC" McCoy
-Twitter to follow: adam22
-Person on Instagram: Garrett Reynolds
-Video game: The Legend of Zelda
-BMX photographer: Sam Adams
-BMX Filmer: Christian Rigal
-Girl: This chick from the gym is pretty cute
-Sport besides BMX: Running, lifting
-Party: Any BMX session. I don't party anymore.