Scott O'Brien: Nah, that's bullshit. It takes time to develop but so does every aspect of BMX. It's about the rider and their motivations for staying on their bike. Motivation gets you into it. Be motivated and stay motivated and you can achieve anything.
You would say everyone can find a flat parking lot to start riding, what holds people back?
Scott O'Brien: Yes of course anyone can. But I think it goes back to motivation. Riders to push you, clinics, jams and exposure to Pro Flatlanders. It's fun, just ride the freakin bike. Get a Flatland bike and ride. No pressures and have fun. You don't need to bust out like Justin Miller when you first start. Sometimes simple sessions screwing around are the best for sure. My friend Gabo in Mexico said he is done practicing for Flatland, he just rides for fun now. That's the attitude to take and start with.
What do you think of flatland moves being integrated in street riding?
Scott O'Brien: I absolutely love it. I have so many ideas for street riders. I think we need to bring back BMX. No more street, flatland, dirt and vert just BMX. I have been pushing Terry Adams to get with Scotty Cranmer for a session. That would be dope the things Terry can teach Scotty. Imagine that session. WOW!

Scott O'Brien: I hate it. I never did like it myself. It's just not a bike unless you can pedal it. Its also a huge advantage when looking at contest because the bikes are not the same. Just my opinion. Wait shouldn't that be a scooter?
Do flatland riders get the respect they deserve?
Scott O'Brien: They better. I think on a BMX level, YES. But corporate sponsors and the people that move money through the BMX industry do not respect Flatland. We are very marketable and interesting people with a lot of passion for what we do. Sponsor FLATLANDERS!

Scott O'Brien: From a sponsorship and exposure standpoint yes it does. I have tried with the DEW TOUR on a few ocassions and I have not totally given up. We could be a great addition to what they do. Imagine Voodoo Jam finals on a Saturday night at one of the Dew Tour stops. Whaaaat! Dew Tour people call me now. We need to get together! If it ever happens I would like to think that Voodoo motivated some people to get it on there.
Anyway the X-Gaymes has disappointed a lot more sports then just Flatland. They are a real joke and fake. When the X- Games first started that was great all those unique sports and people. I loved street luge and I was glued to the T.V.. Now its just a T.V. show and a way for ESPN to make Millions. I don't even watch it anymore. Hopefully those money hungry pigs will come back for more so we can use them like they did us.
Isn't it better to do your own thing anyway?
Scott O'Brien: It's always great to do your own thing but to gather together and share is even better. I can respect what a guy does on BMX no matter what aspect it is. So I like to be around BMXers. We have mutual respect for each other and that goes a long way.