The four time BRAUN cruzer Tour Champ Mark Webb did it again and busted this year IFMA Spine Jam. The 23-year-old English guy seams to be unbeatable at the Braun Miniramp. This year IFMA Spine Jam from 20th to 21st of September proved himself again as the spectator’s magnet at IFMA Cologne 2008. No surprise as the almost the whole European BMX- Elite was attendant. During the competition
Mark Web never was in danger not to get the biggest peace of the 4000€ price money. The Suzuki team rider almost showed up with his complete trick repertoire and just landed his first Flair to Fakie, or other tricks as 360 Tailwhips to just name a few of it.
But also the other BMX-Pros could convince with incredible stunts. All ahead
Harry Main, with a never seen airtime and huge Flairs. The tradeshow visitors couldn’t believe that it’s a human being showing that performance. Furthermore he was the only guy who banged a 900 to the BRAUN cruZer Spine.
1. Mark Webb (UK), 1.200 Euro

2. Harry Main (UK), 1.000 Euro
3. Ondra Slez (CZ), 800 Euro
4. Sergej Geier (GER), 600 Euro
5. Mark König (GER), 400 Euro
6. Cameron Hardy (UK)
7. Chris Mahoney (UK)
8. Sven Lehmann (GER)
9. Janek Wentzky (GER)
10. Patrick Windeck (GER)
11. David Fraßmann (GER)
1. Adrian Warnken (GER)
2. Felix Fanghänel (GER)
3. Dominique Leibin (GER)
4. Henning Hoffmeister (GER)
5. David Theisen (GER)
6. Dirk Völkner (GER)
7. Felix Prangenberg (GER)
8. Chantal Aust (GER)
9. Felix Dorsch (GER)