Final BMX Park results UEC BMX Freestyle European Continental Championships - Park Krakow, Poland 21 - 22 June 2023
Men Park:
1 Kieran REILLY 22 GBR 500.00
2 Anthony JEANJEAN 25 FRA 450.00
3 Declan BROOKS 27 GBR 410.00
4 Ernests ZEBOLDS 24 LAT 380.00
5 Marin RANTEŠ 28 CRO 350.00
6 Zoltán KEMPF 27 HUN 320.00
7 Tomáš BERAN 24 CZE 290.00
8 Zoltán ÚJVÁRY 23 HUN 270.00
9 Levi WEIDMANN 23 NED 240.00
Qualification results BMX Park UEC European Championships Poland. Wednesday 21 June 2023.
Men Park:
1 JEANJEAN Anthony France 86.66 (1) 83.66 (1) 85.16 Q
2 RANTES Marin Croatia 85.00 (2) 76.00 (11) 80.50 Q
3 REILLY Kieran Darren Great Britain 80.16 (3) 80.33 (3) 80.25 Q
4 UJVARY Zoltan Hungary 79.50 (4) 80.16 (4) 79.83 Q
5 VAN DEN BOGAARD Tom Netherlands 77.33 (7) 79.83 (5) 78.58 Q
6 BROOKS Declan Great Britain 79.40 (5) 77.33 (10) 78.37 Q
BMX Freestyle - Women's Park Qualification results Krzeszowice BMX Park - Wednesday, June 21st 2023.
Women Park Qualification results:
1 DUCARROZ Nikita Rose Switzerland 78.00 (1) 80.00 (1) 79.00 Q
2 MUELLER Kim Lea Germany 76.00 (2) 78.33 (2) 77.16 Q
3 PEREZ Laury France 74.00 (3) 74.50 (3) 74.25 Q
4 MICULYCOVA Iveta Czechia 71.83 (4) 69.33 (5) 70.58 Q
5 PARDOE Sasha Great Britain 63.00 (6) 72.33 (4) 67.66 Q
BMX Park C1 Final results Pannonian Challenge, Osijek, Croatia. 14-18 June 2023.
Men Park:
1 Marin RANTEŠ 28 CRO 86.67 200.00 UCI Ranking Points
2 Zoltán ÚJVÁRY 23 HUN 83.5 160.00
3 Michael MEISEL 27 GER 82 130.00
4 Juan CAICEDO HURTADO 21 COL 79.67 110.00
5 Luis RINCON REYES 25 COL 79.17 90.00
6 Matej ŽAN 25 SLO 77 70.00
C1 results Madrid Urban Sports, Madrid, Spain. 16 - 18 June 2023
Men Park:
1 Jude JONES 22 GBR 200.00 UCI Ranking points
2 Jacob THIEM 23 USA 160.00
3 Irek RIZAEV 26 *** 130.00
4 Bryce TRYON 23 USA 110.00
5 Daniel DHERS 38 VEN 90.00
6 Xiaolong SHA 21 CHN 70.00
7 Job MONTAÑEZ SOTO 26 PER 50.00
8 Daniel PEÑAFIEL 35 ESP 30.00
9 Tianwang WEI 19 CHN 20.00
10 Julio CAMACHO 30 ECU 10.00
11 Alexandre SIDERIS 21 SUI
12 Miller TEMPLE 18 GBR
15 Romain DEVASSINE 25 FRA
Results C1 French cup - Fise Reims, Reims, France. 10 - 11 June 2023
Men Park:
1 Anthony JEANJEAN 25 FRA 200.00 UCI Ranking points
2 Dylan HESSEY 20 GBR 160.00
3 Bryce TRYON 23 USA 130.00
4 Jacob THIEM 23 USA 110.00
5 Brady BAKER 20 USA 90.00
7 Tom CLEMENS 18 GER 50.00
8 Luca BERTRAND 21 FRA 30.00
9 Xiaolong SHA 21 CHN 20.00
10 Daniel WEDEMEIJER 33 NED 10.00
11 Kaine MITCHELL 25 GBR
12 Benjamin DALDY 16 FRA
13 Jack MAGUIRE 22 GBR
This weekend, Reims was the place to be! Land of the 2024 Games, the city hosted the second stage of the FISE Xperience Series 2023 season at the Freestyle Park set up on the Porte de Mars esplanade. In front of an over-motivated public over three days, top-level riders and talents from the local BMX, Roller and Scooter Freestyle scene came out in force to set the ramps on fire and perform a series of tricks and transfers to thrill the local population. In addition to the FISE Xperience Reims title in these three urban sports, the BMX Freestyle Park competitions brought a new dimension to the Champagne region. Indeed, the city hosted a stage of the FFC
The first in a series that takes the Monster Energy Street riders around the world this year. The kick off of the Monster Cash Up tour took place in Amsterdam with street rides in Cologne, Copenhagen, San Diego and Sydney to follow. The Amsterdam edition started at Soulcycle BMX shop and took 300 BMX-ers around town to rails, ledges, a curved wall, banks and gaps. If you felt like sending it, you could. If you wanted to chill, there was no one who would say anything about that. As you guessed it, cash was handed out to riders doing something good. Cash is king. Everyone loves cash and if you wanted to make your money back that you spent on getting to Amsterdam, you better send it. With Monster Street pros present such as Alex Donnachie, Jordan Godwin, Dan Lacey, Felix Prangenberg and Lewis Mills it was just cool riding from spot to spot.