Camera: Michael Lorenz & The Medialist
Cut: The Medialist
Color Grading: Merlin Czarnulla
Thumbnail: Merlin Czarnulla
Employee of the Month: Merlin Czarnulla
Lense Cleander: Merlin Czarnulla
Host: Merlin Czarnulla
We out here, we in here! For the 24th edition @simple-sessionis back to where to where it all began. Welcome to Tartu! The hybrid Street and Park course is a little tighter than usual, but that didn't slow Boyd Hilder, Garrett Reynolds, Jordan Godwin and the rest of the gang down one bit. Here's what went down during BMX Practice on Day 1.
Camera: Michael Lorenz & The Medialist
Cut: The Medialist
Color Grading: Merlin Czarnulla
Thumbnail: Merlin Czarnulla
Employee of the Month: Merlin Czarnulla
Lense Cleander: Merlin Czarnulla
Host: Merlin Czarnulla