We all wish we could like Garrett Reynolds, but that just ain't possible. But seeing as Garrett is such a nice guy, he went over all of his Fiend and Cinema parts for his bike check and explains why he sets his bike up the way he does. So at least you can build your bike just like his—as long as you're not like six feet tall!
Day five was a travel day. Day six was epic. We got massaged by a waterfall, almost bit by monkeys, saw an epic cave, and met a ton of awesome locals...100% one for the books. "Street Dragon Tour - Seoul, Korea - Day One I'm gonna be on the road with the Vans squad for two whole weeks going from Korea to Malaysia to Singapore, so why not go hard with the daily content?
Our FIRST Athlete of the Week from Down Under! Check out, newest Australian recruit Sam Gibson!
We went to ride a famous New Jersey hand built concrete ramp in a drainage ditch! It is awesome and so unique and all the riders were so excited to ride it for the first time! The guys started to land some tricks and we were all having such a great time as well! Dom did an amazing jump off the wall and landed into the ramp and immediately jumped over a huge mud puddle! We are having so much fun riding outside again and we are excited to enjoy riding together!
@wemadeitvisual had a jam in Long Beach for Cinco De Mayo where bmxers from all over southern California came to be apart of. ENJOY.
Cinco De Mayo 2018 Video featuring: Christian Martinez, Daniel Yanez, Isaac, Carlos Camacho, Dan Dan, Miles Simone, Eddie Saucedo, Augie Simoncini, Daniel Martinez, Tommmy Blanco, and Raul Ruiz + Freddy for the ender. All riders appear in that order. Enjoy. ? cheers
Day four. The first day of nice-ish weather in Korea, we spent pretty much the entire day driving around getting booted and driving around more. At times the crew was pretty frustrated, but at the end of the day, both Dak and Ty stacked more than a few heavy clips. We're off to Malaysia and it's pretty much a full travel day, so expect a delay with these videos, but we'll be back.
An exciting final race for the Elite Men for stop 4 of the UCI BMX Supercross World Cup Tour 2018.
2018: Papendal - UCI BMX SX World Cup Round 3 Elite Women Final