It ain't quite Easter but young bunny is bringing the hops! Charles Littlejohn threes OVER everything in this one.
This is a collection of random footage from mid-November through very early March, encapsulating everything from my last bad crash to curb fufanus to way too many smith decades. I had way more clips but decided that self editing was a safe bet, so instead of 4 and a half minutes, it's shorter and scored to an old Self Defense Family song from a 4-way split EP. The song is called "Holy Trend" and I'm fairly certain that Patrick would be cool with me using it. I think I have to dedicate this one to the memory of my old friend Kevin Robinson, who passed away in December. I was pretty lost that first week after hearing the news and didn't know what else to do and of course, ended up getting some clips along the way....
-Brian Tunney
Dusty Tapes x ATTD x STKLND by Tiago Rato
T-Shirt-Wetter, Spots ohne Ende und bei jedem Trick mindestens eine Palme in Sichtweise: Der Betriebsausflug, welcher die SIBMX-Boys im vergangenen Februar nach Teneriffa führte, war für alle Beteiligten eine willkommene Abwechslung vom tristen Alltag des deutschen Winters. Hier sind ein paar raw jibs, die Alex Stinshoff, Tim Güntner, Markus Reuss, Robin Heiderich, Nico van Loon, Jan Mihaly, Adrian Warnken, Merlin Czarnulla und Felix Stinshoff in den Skateparks von El Médano und Santa Cruz gefilmt haben, während der Rest der dreizehnköpfigen Reisegruppe gerade Grillkohle oder Dosenbier für die Abendgestaltung vom nächst liegenden Supermercardo holte.
Drei Jahre lang für ein Video zu filmen und das Ergebnis dann nicht nur online zu stellen, sondern dazu auch noch ein Zine, eine DVD und ein Shirt rauszubringen, dafür muss man heutzutage schon ein wenig bekloppt sein. Oder Komplett Cancelled, wie Valentin Seuß aka Valle vielleicht sagen würde. So heißt auch das neue Video der Cancelled Crew, welches der 23Jährige zu verantworten hat, und das sich wirklich sehen lassen kann!
Lotta Grüber war mit ihrer Familie und ein paar Freunden über Weihnachten/Neujahr im sonnigen Málaga. Angesichts der vielen tollen Spots die sie dort gefahren ist, wie zum Beispiel der Ruben Alcantara Park oder die Trails in Torremolinos, ist es vollkommen okay, wenn ihr jetzt ein wenig neidisch werdet. Dazu noch jede Menge Sonnenschein, nette Locals und fertig ist der perfekte BMX-Urlaub. ¡Viva Málaga!
About 5 years ago, I met Yumi at Horie beach in Ehime-Prefecture, Japan. From that day we rode and shred time all day. The secound year, Yumi said he wants to make a crew and thats the beginning of HORIEGUMI. When I saw his riding I had a big impact on me and got images and ideas for filming. So I bought a used TRV900 immediately and started filming at the beach side and the city of Ehime. And I had been making a lot of HORIVIDEOS. Now I moved to Tokyo with Yumi, and I made lots of videos as a video production for Alive, Fit, Merritt and Monster with Yumi, Pegy and OSO. Unfortunately Yumi has decided to leave HORIEGUMI. Because he wants to forcous riding as a professional rider and to do what best for himself. So we have decided to break up. I will going to start a new video project with Pegy and with our friend in all over the world.
Text from Daisuke
Shout out to putting out a video from an event like two months late. To be honest, I've had this about %80 finished for a long time, but debated on putting it out. After showing it to a few people, getting some laughs, and thinking about all the pain and suffering I put both Dan and Gary through to make this happen, I figured I pretty much had to get this out. Basically, I had planned on doing a mic'd up with Paley during practice. Buuut, my flight got delayed and I missed the first day. The second day Dan didn't show up. So yeah, why not through a mic on Dan during finals, hand the camera over to my friend Gary Young, and then see what happens?
A late session at Shred, escaping the snow.