The first time I moved to BCN I was working at this bike / art shop called EL CICLO. When I was visiting them this trip I fell in love with the chain stairs. Shoutout to Ramiro Sobral
Zack Dunn from the THANKYOU crew went all in for this one. A triple kinked rail in Eixample. Didn’t land it in the end but mad respect for even trying this thing. Muy loco. Bet sauce still has good clips on this one.
In the end of January I went to Barcelona for a month again. Yearly winter escape because of the shitty weather all the time in Hollandia. This time a lot of different squads from different countries pulled up in
SAVE MACBA!!!! This picture says it all.
In the end of January I went to Barcelona for a month again. Yearly winter escape because of the shitty weather all the time in Hollandia. This time a lot of different squads from different countries pulled up in the same period. At the time parallel was packed with over 50 riders in the night. Only a few were riding. And it was not a jam.For FVR I bought myself a kodak throwaway cam out there. It had 30 flicks. A couple fucked up but I’m still happy with the result. 3 days in a row I uploaded the
Augie mane was doing a lot of monkey moves on the trip. I’ve never been a fan of vlogs but the way Austin puts something on the screen is art in multiple directions. Here he was trying to get an angle in the tree.
The other picture is made while running to a gang of pigeons at Sants Estacio. The centre train station of BCN. I just liked the way how the left picture matches the right one.
In the end of January I went to Barcelona for a month again. Yearly winter escape because of the shitty weather all the time in Hollandia. This time a lot of different squads from different countries pulled up in
Augustin Gutierrez aka Agbmx is one of my favorite riders ever. The way this man uses a spot is the funniest shit to watch. Here u see him putting a rock under the metal wall at parallel. 2 mins later he gaps from the stair platfrom tot the wall. Fully Ruben mode.
In the back theres this mystirious man who was trying to steal our beers on the basketball spot. I don’t know what was going through his head but he was standing just like that for an hour.
In the end of January I went to Barcelona for a month again. Yearly winter escape because of the shitty weather all the time in Hollandia. This time a lot of different squads from different countries pulled up in
PSHOMIES AKA my 2nd family always got your back with schedules in Barcelona. “apolo?” “razz?” “nevermind?” Full time party boys. Also watching those guys ride a bike is a party. On the right you see Emed in the neon green jacket. This is the new PSHOMIES member who just got a new bike from Subrosa. This man already sends X-uprides of stairs and got multiple peg chinks unlocked. Be on the lookout for this guy.
On the background we have a 5 euro guitar me and Simo bought from a homeless man who needed money to get a place to sleep. Also gave our beer and spliff to him. The guitar was an art piece in the Common Airbnb the rest of the trip.
I met Jared on my trip to LA last summer. He the man, we listen to similar punk shit and moshed in the airbnb playing Bad Brains while Augie was plumb leveled on the ground getting tattoo’d by Chris. Here Jared is doing a very very stylish one hand table in the metro.
Straight from Chile to BCN we have Shadow/Subrosa’s Joaquin Awad who fucked his ankle up at the McDonald's ledges. First flick on the cam.
In the end of January I went to Barcelona for a month again. Yearly winter escape because
of the shitty weather all the time in Hollandia. This time a lot of different squads from different
Everytime when I hit Canyelles, an area up north in Barcelona, I get this feeling of being in Skate 3. no cap. Every 10 meters you’ll see a spot wich is relatable to the game. The real life game is way more fun though.
Here we have Reed Stark trying a double peg stall switch 270 out. He landed it after this try.
On the background we got little bit of the nicest 3 letters in the world with my favorite beer on this world.
Here we have Everyones Fuckin owner Trevvy AKA Burnt Hype AKA mr Peak AKA sir siklox. In front of Nevermind. With on the background us stressing how packed the metro was. Classic classic classic.
In the end of January I went to Barcelona for a month again. Yearly winter escape because
of the shitty weather all the time in Hollandia. This time a lot of different squads from different countries pulled up in the same period. At the time parallel was packed with over 50 riders in the night. Only a few were riding. And it was not a jam.For FVR I bought myself a kodak throwaway cam out
We had a couple Barcelona first timers in the squad. Julian Arteaga, Jared Duncan, David Pendleton and some homies from Murrieta. You know you have to pull up to Forum (Luh4ren from Black Kray starts playing). Found that smiley on the white curbs.
On the right we have LA based photographer Chris Eiland being proud on his inside out spliff (learned from the dutch) next to his signature FVR tee shirt.
In the end of January I went to Barcelona for a month again. Yearly winter escape because
of the shitty weather all the time in Hollandia. This time a lot of different squads from
Me, Sauce and Trevor were last man standing again after a night at the well-known Nevermind bar. We decided to go on an adventure in the street. After getting a ticket for drinking behind Macba we went to another spot. Ended up at Universität plaza and we met a guy with this ducktaped Les Paul guitar. As a musician we had the best jams at 4 in the night. Me and Trev did moshpits and stagedives off the curb on the plaza. While sauce and Brussels Stijn Hens were talking about American food.
In the end of January I went to Barcelona for a month again. Yearly winter escape because
of the shitty weather all the time in Hollandia. This time a lot of different squads from