Rim Nakamura's new Bike Park in Japan that his sponsor built for him just outside of Kyoto where he's from.
I am a filmmaker with a passion for BMXing and seeing the World. Since 2015 I wanted to create my own film capturing BMX in new and exciting places. However, work tended to get in the way so for 2 years the film was just a pipe dream.
Random story: I actually drove by this place a few times in the last few months and it was super confusing to me. It looked like a BMX track, but it was obviously not finished and I couldn't really get a good look at it. Little did I know that it was an in-progress bike park that was free and open to the public.
Since 2011 the Olympia-World-Skatehall is one of the most important indoor places for skaters and BMXers in Austria, also from southern Germany one finds the way again and again. A 2,000 m2 heated Indoorspot, which is very rare. Over the years you have seen a lot here. Jams, team trips, various contests and momentous party's. After the first talks between the Olympia-World Innsbruck and the Schneestern GmbH the common goal was quickly formulated: not to break with this tradition and to transport the pearl in Tyrol safely to the next level. Because many thousands of happy visitors can not be wrong and have earned a good equipment.
The park got an update that makes every state capital jealous. Scribble, planning, realistic planning,
It is with great sadness that we have to announce that Rom Skatepark, granted heritage status in 2014, has after forty one years of ceaseless operation, closed it’s doors as of the 1st September 2019. With the loss of all the indoor facilities at a devastating fire last summer, (which had a major impact on the parks’ revenue over the past twelve months) and despite receiving a grant from the Heritage Lottery Fund to promote the park in 2018, over the last year the park has faced an unprecedented increase in insurance costs, ridiculously high business rates (compared to similar venues) and probably the worst summer in terms of attendance figures for years.
As such the park is no longer able to remain open for the foreseeable future.
Filmby Studios | Dream Spots - Murcia Auditorio by Filmby Studios
Ein riesen Andrang bei der Eröffnung des Pumptrackanlage in Litzendorf bei Bamberg! Nach einigen Wochen der Vorbereitung und den Bau durch das Radquartier, durften die Kinder und Jugendlichen endlich auf die fertiggestellte Anlage und losbiken. Ein großartiger Erfolg und eine einzigartige Anlage, die sogar mit Induktionsschleifen versehen ist und ein Rundenzähler in Echtzeit die gefahrenen Runden wieder gibt.
Logan City Council’s $3.1 million rebuild of the Doug Larsen Park BMX freestyle and skate park facility at Beenleigh will begin next week. Council is constructing a world-class BMX/skate park facility that Cycling Australia says will be the best in the country and a potential venue for future international competitions. The park’s existing BMX/skate park will close on Tuesday, May 21.
The public BMX riding circuit at Doug Larsen Park, which is home to the Beenleigh BMX club, is not affected by the construction and will remain open. The design of the new freestyle course was finalised after Council hosted a workshop that included Logan’s BMX freestyle 2017 world champion Logan Martin along with Cycling Australia Technical Director (BMX) Wade Bootes, Clint Millar from Colony BMX and Ross Lavender and Nathan Philps from the local BMX community.
Christian Ceresato e Beniamin Crismariu, del team , hanno girato quattro giorni a Torino lo scorso novembre. Le clips sono state girate nel nuovo skatepark ancora in costruzione, filmato da Matteo Baudracco e Tommaso carraro ed editato da Matteo Baudracco.
When you’re on a filming mission, riding a small spot with 30 people is a little bit of a rushy situation. Here we were riding a playground tranny spot and got kicked out by the cops. I remember Spriet going to the moon on that tranny.
Freddy from Berlin took me and Basil from Switzerland to this pier spot to get a quick beach vibe. The negative colors of that photo I took matched the squad picture.
In the end of January I went to Barcelona for a month again. Yearly winter escape because of the shitty weather all the time in Hollandia. This time a lot of different squads from different countries pulled up in the same period.