Is having some down time a blessing for you or do you want to hop on that bike to go ride every moment of the day?
Scotty: It was OK for a few weeks but then you realize that your whole life revolves around bike riding. The one thing that I like to do the most, I can’t do it and makes me crawl up the walls. Thank god for my piano!

Scotty: Yes and No. Yes, I spent a little more time there but realistically all the guys have the shop handled and me being there just drove me crazy seeing the ramps and track out back that I could not ride. My family works there so it is always good to go and hang out.
How's the shop doing? Do you feel like BMX is a steady market at the moment?
Scotty: Yeah, it seems steady, it is late October so it will be slow for the next month but will pick up for Christmas. Right now we have over 500 bikes on the floor which is crazy, bikes keep going out the door and bikes keep coming in.

Scotty: Hell yeah, just two weeks ago we received the first shipment of 09’s and sold out really fast, the 2nd batch just came in this week. We for sure have people coming in looking for Felt because of me but the bikes are solid and when you come in and put them against anything they end up with the Felt. We carry the full line so when you come in and see them all lined up they look really good.
What bike are you riding at the moment?
Scotty: I have two bikes built up right now, all black brakeless one and all white one with brakes, both Sherriff frames built up pretty much the same. For the last month I have been on the brakeless one because I am a little more back to basics, up until a little while ago my most death defying trick was a manual, so the brakeless bike makes it a little more interesting. It is starting to ramp up pretty fast and I have been having a hard time getting off the brakeless but I’ll probably be switching back soon.
Did you have time to trick it out and dial it in or did you personal assistant Ronnie Surridge do that for you?
Scotty: Ronnie strictly cleans toilets, I keep him around for the comedy factor. Ronnie is very, very, very interesting. I have loved the guy since 2002, that guy's my brother.
What's the benefit of having milk in your handlebars? (haha)
Scotty: I’ll give you the story. Ronnie Surridge is a pain in the butt, there is not too much you can do to him, I have thought about hurting him but I couldn’t do that. To mess with him back we decided to do a little prank on him.. It started with small ball bearings in his bars, it drove him crazy and he thought it was left over metal from them being welded, then my friend John gave me the brilliant idea to put milk in his h-bars and I just so happened to have a gallon of 3 week old milk in the fridge. So for a couple of day we put this milk in a secret warm location to reach maximum nastyness, he just got some new bars and was super happy about them. Usually we would wake up and go build the sk8 park at 8am but Ronnie would never get up until 10 and would spend a lot of time working on his hair. I figured morning would be a perfect time to go about this prank. I grabbed his bike and JB welded/electrical taped his left bar end on to seal it. I poured the nasty milk in to the bar, chunks and all. Then JB welded/taped the other one on to fully seal it. Two days go by and Ronnie started noticing his grip getting some throttle, I saw him on the deck playing with grip trying to see why it was slipping,. I ran onto the deck and asked what was the matter. Me being the good friend that I am I volunteered to fix it for him and explained that sometimes in this environment this time of the year condensation builds up and it can cause grips to slip. He looks at me with complete trust and says “Thanks doggie” I take his bike and put another layer of tape and used an air compressor to dry them. He takes the bikes and continues to ride.

Scotty: Ronnie came over to stay with me and he sees my fireplace “Oh Dog we need a painting made of us above the fire place” I said yeah, yeah whatever but he kept riding me about it for 3 months. Justin Kosman was over doing video and pics for Vans and he overheard Ronnie talking about this painting again. He came up with an idea and he said he would take the photos and turn it into a poster. We were bored so screw it let's do it.
I put on an all white Fox outfit with white Vans and Ronnie came out in some sort of fake black Armani get up. As so he looked ridiculous. After a little added tanning to Ronnie in Photo Shop I contacted the guy who make the big sign at the bike shop and he said he could do it. So Ronnie was working at the bike shop and the guy came into pick up the CD with the picture. Ronnie swears that he said it was $8 per sq ft for a canvas print. 6x4 I thought $200 would not be that bad.
A couple of weeks go by and I haven’t heard from the guy and I asked Ronnie if he has been in the shop. Couple more weeks go by and my friend Brad asks me if I heard how much the picture is. What do you mean, Ronnie didn’t tell you, Tell me what? Ronnie looks over at me with this scared look and says “Dog, I swear I‘ll pay for ½” “How much is it Ron?” “It is $1,000, it was $80 per sq. ft. not $8”
I know the guy so I had no choice but to pay for it and has turned out to the most expensive joke I have ever played. It is pretty cool actually. It may make us look gay but at least I know I am not.
How's the Incline Club doing these days?
Scotty: Incline Club is great it recently got a face lift, all of it is pretty big and I could not be happier.
Is it the place you visit most often?
Scotty: For sure in the winter I am there all the time, Summer/Fall I try to be outside as much as I can but just this week it has been showing signs of the indoor time is coming.
Next to riding park, do you mess around on vert or dirt sometimes?
Scotty: No vert ramps around. Love cruising over to the “Area” and riding with the boys. Have you seen this Vans clip from right before I got hurt?
Who are your riding buddies?
Scotty: Too many to list, so many Incline Club locals and I do not want to leave anyone out, you all know who you are.
What are the next three contests on your program?
Scotty: Too hard to say, USA season just ended. If anything pops up I’m up for it but it may not be until next Spring. I almost went to the Trick or Treat thing last weekend but just was not ready. I have a big fear of getting hurt outside the country and really do not want to do it. I tried it over the last two years a few times and it just makes a bad situation when it is obvious I am not comfortable. Not good for me, not good for the people who send me over, I can’t force myself to do something I don’t feel comfortable about.
Last words/Thanks to: Thanks to all my sponsors, they keep me living my dream and make these interviews on FATBMX possible. Thanks to my parents, that is who has had my back more than anyone.