What was the best event you went to this year that gets your vote?
Minato Oike: UCI Urban cycling World Championsips
What contest placing were you stoked on this year?
Minato Oike: UCI Urban cycling world championsips Elite women 4th
What trick/move were you happy to pull for the first time this year?
Minato Oike: Tobbogan
Who had the best looking bike in 2017?
Minato Oike: Kevin Peraza.
Who had the best video/video-part that stuck out to you?
Minato Oike: Nikita. Mongoose video
What was your worst injury in 2017?
Minato Oike: Sciatica. My waist is broken.
How many flat tires did you have the past 12 months?
Minato Oike: I change tires 3 times in past 12 months.
Best meal you had?
Minato Oike: Japanese food
Best party you visited in 2017?
Minato Oike: I don't go to parties.
Raddest person you got to hang out with this year?
Minato Oike: Nina. She was kind for me.
Best thing you saw in 2017?
Minato Oike: Official practise day's girls session was best.
Plans for 2018?
Minato Oike: All contests, I will go!
Pics by Leo Zhukov