With a bit of moving seats before take-off we each had a window seat with a free seat next to us. When you have to spend 11 hours sitting in a seat it sure makes sense to try to make it as comfortable as possible. I managed to forget my airpods which was not great. The Netflix series that I downloaded.... no use. Noise cancelling sound? Nope. I sure wish I had double checked before we closed the door behind. Good thing is that there was free WhatsApp communication possible during the entire flight to LAX. At least that way it was possible to stay in touch with people.
Los Angeles wildfires had been in the news the week prior to our departure but when we flew into LA we could not spot any of it. Even the Hollywood sign was still up. The landing was perfect. The three hours spent in line at U.S. Immigration was not. Thousands of people waiting in line, 25 booths available and only 4 open. It feels like they never learn.We picked up our bags, which must have been sitting there for hours, and headed to Hertz in the shuttle bus. We picked our car, a black Nissan Rogue SUV, which had tinted windows and Apple carplay. We did make a mistake two years ago when we went for the car with the black rims, but it only had a CD player in it. Instead of spending time in Los Angeles on arrival, the three hour wait in line had taken hour energy. A quick stop at T-Mobile for a local sim card for both of us (wasn't cheap at $140) and we were on our way to our home base in Newport Beach. Sonder Solarena once again. A decent place.
First food stop of choice: In 'n Out Burgers.