You haven't visited a FAT-JAM if you haven't visited the party at OJA. This year's entertainment was a good one again. We got the Dutch premier of the wethepeople ETC. DVD and also two bands + DJ Nikolai.
The scheduled time of the wethepeople DVD premier was 20:00hr. Of course there was some delay so it started a bit late(r). The TV and sound were very amateurish (OJA style) but the action was good. Because of the late start, the first band started plugging in and playing away. With 90% of the people watching the DVD it made for some good loud background music.
It was actually funny as everyone had their backs turned to the band and they were trying to rock the place. The DVD was more interesting for all but the band hated the fact that the only thing they saw were the faces of their 4 fans and the backs of 60 BMX-ers.
They threatened to stop playing if the BMX-ers didn't start checking out the band. The OJA crew tried to shut down the premier by turning off the TV and directing everyone to the band. This was followed by turning on the TV and everyone's back turned to the band again. This went back and forth 5 times and the band played their last song...... A shaky first showing of ETC. but what did you expect at OJA.
69 Chargers rocked the house and everyone was getting loose on the 1 Euro Bavaria beers which resulted in Paul Lentjes on the microphone and more and more people in the slam pit. Because of a limited noise permit the two bands needed to be finished by a certain time. This was also the reason why band number one played when the tape was running.
Anyway, when the second band was done and the doors were closed, DJ Nikolai took over with some very funky sounds. Nikolai is always searching for exclusive tunes even if he needs to go to New York to find them. His repertoire of soul, disco, funk, rap was unheard of and a combination with two many Bavaria's had most everyone on the OJA "dance floor" until early in the morning.
It was great preparation for next day's FAT BMX Olympig Gaymes.
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