2025 One Love Jam BMX Flatland part 5.
Wilde BMX-Action, eine zu niedrige Decke, Freigetränke und ein feierwütiges Publikum – die Stock Session im @kunstformbmxshopwar auch in diesem Jahr wieder der absolute Oberknaller! Hier sind die Highlights eines unvergesslichen Abend in Stuttgart.
It's been a while since we saw some fresh footage from Sullyvan Guaincetre, but good things sure do come to those who wait. Watch 3 minutes of banging clips from the Frenchman!
With Sundays being the only filming option due to work/life commitments, Spain's Felipe Candia battled away at this new video throughout the whole of 2024. Needless to say, his efforts paid off as this turned out amazing.
La pépite du bmx français rentre chez BMX Avenue avec la marque Odyssey, vidéo street avec son pote derrière la caméra Louis Nicolas Talon
Merci à Sportimport pour le matos Odyssey.
Profile's Launch Box is a series of Profile team mixers, launched on your lunch break, during each season of every year. They are a collaborative effort of randomness: All footage is submitted to my inbox where I puzzle them together using whatever music I happen to be listening to that day.
2024 was a year to remember, filled with unforgettable races, big moments, and nonstop progression. Here’s a look back at some of my favorite highlights before we head into the 2025 season!
Friday morning. Up early. Heading to Anaheim. Next to the Supercross ("A2") also the first round of the Monster Energy BMX Triple Challenge is on the schedule. The BMX Dirt comp is part of the Supercross Fan Fest entertainment and the big pro purse (over $120.000 divided over 3 stops) brought all the big boys to California. Climbing up that roll-in takes some balls. It's small and high, and I'm sure up there it's a tad wobbly too. And then looking down on the three massive jumps.... It didn't seem to hold back any of the participants though and it didn't take long before tricks were thrown.
But we were on duty for Twin Air to take some photos of their factory team bikes and riders. Friday was media day and our passes got us on the infield so we could mix it up with the Supercross athletes and get some content for FATMX at the same time. In the world of BMX you need to multitask sometimes to make ends meet and as long as it involves anything BMX related or motocross, you can sign me up for it. Friday is usually the quieter day in the pits with riders and mechanics having more time available. We got a lot of stuff done which felt good. Meanwhile the BMX Triples had done their practice and qualification. With the top 16 making it to Saturday's semi-finals it meant that 30 riders did not make the cut. The level was actually insane and with 1 run out of 3 counting for the competition the riders were able to send their best tricks.
With possible rain on the weather report for Saturday we had no clue what was going to happen. We did do Chic-Fil-A for lunch and were running out of time to hit a Raising Canes restaurant.
Why you NEED Timers to level up your BMX Racing Training!
Demolition riders are well known for going fast and going big, and that memo didn't get missed by Australia's Ben Winters. Massive threes, big grinds, hefty transitions - Ben can do it all.