Results Mynavi Japan Cup Kanagawa Prefecture, Yokosuka City, Japan 26 - 29 September 2024
Women Flatland:
1 Nina SUZUKI 16 JPN 84.25 200.00 UCI Ranking Points
2 Sona YOSHIMURA 15 JPN 80.5 160.00
3 Yui KIYOMUNE 15 JPN 76.5 130.00
4 Kirara NAKAGAWA 19 JPN 73.25 110.00
5 Ayuna MIYASHIMA 16 JPN 73 90.00
6 Seima ITO 20 JPN 69.5 70.00
7 Sakura KAWAGUCHI 18 JPN 69.25 50.00
Men Flatland:
1 Yu KATAGIRI 19 JPN 89.75 200.00 UCI Ranking Points
2 Moto SASAKI 39 JPN 88.25 160.00
3 Masato ITO 34 JPN 85 130.00
4 Fumiya KANNA 32 JPN 84.75 110.00
Results Chinese National BMX Park Championships - Chengdu, China 21 - 22 September 2024
Men Park:
1 Tianwang WEI 20 CHN 94.40 200.00 UCI Ranking Points
2 Shuotang LIN 20 CHN 87.20 160.00
3 Ziming XIONG 16 CHN 83.80 130.00
4 Shuhao ZHANG 19 CHN 80.60 110.00
5 Xiaowei HUANG 19 CHN 77.00 90.00
6 Zeyang WANG 17 CHN 76.80 70.00
7 Jinghao GUO 17 CHN 75.00 50.00
8 Haokai YIN 19 CHN 70.20 30.00
9 Jiacheng HE 17 CHN 63.40 20.00
10 Zehao LI 20 CHN 59.00 10.00
11 Jianbo CHEN 23 CHN 56.40
12 Jishuo JIA 21 CHN 42.00
Women Park:
Epic final day of X Games Japan! Monster Energy congratulates its BMX, Moto X, and Skateboard athletes on an excellent performance at X Games Chiba 2024. On the final day of competitions inside Makuhari Messe stadium, Monster Energy riders claimed a total of eight medals (three gold, four silver, and one bronze) across five contest events in the 71st edition of X Games. In the BMX Park Best Trick event, 30-year-old Daniel Sandoval from Corona, California, claimed his first career gold medal in the discipline.
Here’s the recap of how Sunday unfolded for Monster Energy athletes at X Games Chiba 2024:
Results Freestyle series Costa Rica Bac Park 10cio, Costa Rica 22 September 2024
Men Park:
1 Kenneth Fabian TENCIO ESQUIVEL 31 CRC 200.00 UCI Ranking points
2 Dante TABUYO OCHOA 23 MEX 160.00
3 Derek SOLANO LOPEZ 20 CRC 130.00
4 Gamaliet Alexander OSEGUEDA REYES 27 CRC 110.00
5 Anthony Joel DE LEON GORDON 27 PAN 90.00
6 Rob DARDEN 43 USA 70.00
X Games Chiba 2024 Street final results 22 September, Japan.
Men Street:
1 Garrett Reynolds 6.00 68.00 87.66 87.66
2 Devon Smillie 80.00 85.66 54.66 85.66
3 Courage Adams 78.33 74.33 83.66 83.66
4 Felix Prangenberg 50.00 83.00 80.66 83.00
5 Boyd Hilder 72.00 69.00 73.66 73.66
6 Jordan Godwin 68.66 49.33 40.00 68.66
European Championships, Cadenazzo, Switzerland. 21 September 2024 BMX Park Final Results.
Women Park Final:
1 PARDOE Sasha GREAT BRITAIN 2 84.96 88.06 88.06
2 MICULYČOVÁ Iveta CZECHIA 2 67.00 85.33 85.33
3 DUCARROZ Nikita SWITZERLAND 2 83.16 64.66 83.16
4 RENDALL TODD Elsa GREAT BRITAIN 2 80.16 83.11 83.11
5 LESSMANN Lara Marie GERMANY 2 77.50 81.91 81.91
Qualification results Men Park, European Championships Cadenazzo, Italy. 20 September 2024. Top 12 to the finals.
Men Park:
1 REILLY Darren David Kieran GREAT BRITAIN 6 84.70(2) 85.36(1) 85.03 Q
2 JEANJEAN Anthony FRANCE 6 85.06(1) 84.38(2) 84.72 Q
3 RANTEŠ Marin CROATIA 6 81.80(4) 82.83(4) 82.31 Q
4 HESSEY Dylan GREAT BRITAIN 6 80.70(6) 83.16(3) 81.93 Q
5 CLEMENS Tom GERMANY 5 82.86(3) 79.64(5) 81.25 Q
Final results Men Park X Games Chiba. 21 September 2024. Logan Martin pulls the run that he had planned. It was a goal for him in Japan. After qualifying in first (by a good margin), Rimu Nakamura had to settle for silver in the BMX Park finals. Marcus Christopher was the only other rider reaching the 90s. The 90.33 was good for Bronze in Chiba.
BMX Park Men Final:
1 Logan Martin 86.33 92.33 63.66 92.33
2 Rim Nakamura 85.66 91.33 54.66 91.33
3 Marcus Christopher 90.33 63.00 90.00 90.33
4 Daniel Sandoval 80.00 89.00 85.66 89.00
5 Justin Dowell 85.00 60.33 86.00 86.00
6 Brandon Loupos 65.00 83.66 44.00 83.66
7 Brady Baker 51.00 81.66 69.00 81.66
Women's Park Results Qualification. Top 12 to the finals. Cadenazzo, Switzerland. 20 September 2024.
BMX Park Women:
1 MICULYČOVÁ Iveta CZECHIA 3 86.00(1) 87.83(1) 86.91
2 DUCARROZ Nikita SWITZERLAND 3 80.00(5) 85.23(3) 82.61
3 LESSMANN Lara Marie GERMANY 3 81.33(3) 83.40(4) 82.36
4 MÜLLER Kim Lea GERMANY 3 76.66(6) 85.66(2) 81.16
5 PARDOE Sasha GREAT BRITAIN 3 85.83(2) 62.16(6) 73.99
6 RENDALL TODD Elsa GREAT BRITAIN 1 68.33(7) 74.66(5) 71.49
7 FERNANDEZ-MIRANDA AZCOAGA Teresa SPAIN 2 80.33(4) 51.66(10) 65.99
8 KRÄMER Indy NETHERLANDS 2 66.66(9) 62.00(7) 64.33
9 PIPE Holly GREAT BRITAIN 1 68.00(8) 48.33(11) 58.16
10 LIUBIMOVA Valeriia FRANCE 2 53.33(10) 61.33(8) 57.33
11 PEREZ Laury FRANCE 3 50.33(11) 57.00(9) 53.66
12 SEIDLER Lillyana GERMANY 2 40.66(13) 46.00(12) 43.33
13 NEUNER Michelle SWITZERLAND 1 45.16(12) 24.33(16) 34.74
14 PLOUSEY Julie FRANCE 2 39.33(14) 30.00(15) 34.66
Starting the day tuning into the live feed of the X Games in Chiba was nice. 2 runs of 45 seconds with the best run counting. The cut for the finals was set at 8 for the 12 invited riders. Here's how it turned out.
X Games Chiba BMX Park Qualification results:
1 Rim Nakamura (JPN) 83.00 Q
2 Logan Martin (AUS) 76.00 Q
3 Marcus Christopher (USA) 75.33 Q