Our final instalment to hit the web from our Nora Cup winning full length video FTS. 15 Years strong Federal rider Dan Lacey is no stranger to video parts, FTS being his 6th one to date but his first ever for Federal Bikes. Notorious for his 360's Dan doesn't disappoint for this one. Enjoy.
The fith of seven parts to hit the web from our Nora Cup winning full length video FTS. Joe Jarvis coming out of Northwich England is our youngest rider to feature in FTS. Joe broke his ankle in London half way into filming so was cut short but still came through with this ridiculous part.
The fourth of seven parts to hit the web from our Nora Cup winning full length video FTS. James Cunningham has been riding for Federal for the last 7 years and hasn’t stopped progressing. Impeccable style and arguably the best switch whip in the current game. Let’s go!
The third of seven parts to hit the web from our Nora Cup winning full length video FTS. Smelko broke his foot during our winter escape to Barcelona and took nearly a year to recover, none the less came through with this dope part. Enjoy!
We are pleased to announce that Boyd Hilder is the latest addition to the Federal Bikes team!
The second of seven parts to hit the web from our Nora Cup winning full length video FTS. A slightly newer face in the mix, Ryan Eles from Canada. Ryan took a beating at most spots filming for this one, but with no doubt came through with a heavy section. Enjoy!
The first of seven parts to hit the web from our Nora Cup winning full length video FTS. Starting things off with Bruno Hoffmanns opening section. Sit back, relax and enjoy.
Take a look at what went down at the worldwide premiere of FTS at the House of Vans in London. Hear some of the teams thoughts on the full length and why you should buy the DVD.
Check out what went down at the Federal Bikes FTS World Premier at the House of VANS London. Zwei Jahre lang sind die Jungs von Federal Bikes durch die halbe Welt getingelt, haben literweise Blut und Schweiß vergossen und sich mit Ordnungshütern jedweder Couleur angelegt, um Clips für ihre neue DVD zu sammeln. Am vergangenen Freitag war es nun endlich soweit: FTS feierte im House of VANS London seine lang ersehnte Weltpremiere. Wir haben uns für euch ins Partygetümmel gestürzt. Tja, the media ist nun mal nicht easy …
The 5th round of the ”Lost it” series documenting the progress of Federal Bikes’ new full-length “FTS” project has arrived! This time around we get nearly 8 minutes minutes of riding and antics from Dan Lacey, Bruno Hoffman, Anthony Perrin, Stevie Churchill and Ryan Eles. Filmed on location in Barcelona, Madrid, New York, Gran Canaria and California.