Matthias Dandois defended his 2016 iBMXff World Championship title, and took home the 2017 World title with an amazing flawless run. Hit play and check this one out! Congratulations Matthias!
This is the report of Sirol Yrbua who's getting ready for the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games. After a lot of troubles in his life, he decided to change it, trying to do his best he can to make it happen. Life is a mistery that you have to live, not a problem to resolve. Hope you'll enjoy the video.
KURAGA 2017 EDIT by Daniil Kovalenko
I have been competing professionally on my BMX since I was 16 years old and that year I made it to the X Games for the first time! Since then I have had some amazing memories and I have learned so many valuable life lessons also. I was able to fulfill my dream of getting an X Games Medal 9 different times and I have a story for each one. So in honor of the summer X Games in Minneapolis being right around the corner I figured I would show each medal and tell their stories. I am so excited to return to X Games this year as a TV commentator and watch the best in the world compete for medals and stories of their own!
Brandon Webster is a proud Canadian, devout fisherman, hard worker, and incredible bike rider. Even with a full-time job and hours spent on the lake daily, Brandon still found time to film this killer video, traveling when he could and steadily stacking clips in locations as far flung as Austin, Miami, and Southern California. Brandon's riding is a fantastic mix of tech and burly, and even his most tech moves are landed with such authority that they almost seem burly. Clips don't always come easy for Brandon, but his determination sees him through, and I'm sure you'll agree this part is well worth all the time and effort he's put into it.– Walter Pieringer
Kink Pro Dan Coller gives you a quick run-down of why he puts his trust into the Kink Rex Bars, and Kink CST Forks when on daily cruises, and bombing handrails!
We, over at GroundedBMX are extremely excited to announce our new team member Brian. Brian has been unofficialy part of the family for quite a while now so it was only fair he got bumped up to the official team. Welcome Brian!
The Ride Further Tour Stop #2 went down at Modular Festival in Augsburg from 15-17.06.2017, this year with a Miniramp Spine setup and a great mix of local and international riders such as Sergio Layos, Jonas Lindemair, JB Peytavit and Adrian Malmberg.
Team dudes Mitchell Morris and Bryce Ruksenas have been working on this video for about 6 months now. After Mitch's recent foot injury they thought it was the perfect time to put together what they had and make a sweet new video for you all to sink your eyes into. Mitch is no stranger to all four pegs and it really shows in this video, he can make the most technical tricks look insanely easy and its a pleasure to watch.
Richmond ca bmx
The session at Morrison was heavy yesterday. Massive thanks to Pat Sabo and Jason Devous for keeping the trail scene alive! All the dudes were ripping. Riders: Ryan Cibulski, Brian Banghart, Anthony Amis, Dillon Graybeal, Bobby Williams, Anthony Duran, Colin Hudson, Chase Cleveland, Kenneth Gustafson, Brett Mahns and Tristan Ivas.
You may remember Animal's AM Clay Johnson who bagged some dope clips during the Animal House LA project and now he's back at bringing the East Coast flavor to his home of Phoenix, Arizona. Those pegs get all over everything. "Four metal pegs and hawks eye for set ups is all it takes for Clay to keep things raw!" - Animal Bikes
Summer 17 edit.. So this year we started working on our 1st full length video or DVD what ever you want to call it. During the filming for our DVD we also set time a side to film for this Edit. Here it is and hope you enjoy!
Andy Maguire has been holding it down for the street scene in Santa Cruz for quite some time now so when he contacted Chris Bracamonte about filming some sort of scene report last year we were immediately on board.