20 degree biking is rough but still manageable to have fun.
After building the crazy rail and ledge setup in store for the King of BNE x Cash Up jam, we thought it would be a damn shame to get rid of it fully!
Back in 95 myself and Fids took a trip to California to experience the American dream, we stayed in HB with Neal Wood, Chris Moeller, Steve Emig and Jason Timmy Ball, who’d moved to California the year before and was working at S&M bikes.
A independent Flatland BMX film. Produced by TS Visual Media, and riders from across the world.
Has BMX died out as an extreme sport, or is it still one of the best? Watch this video to find out the current state of BMX and why it's still a top choice for adrenaline junkies!
Quick B-roll and clips courtesy of Jason Watts dad cam.
Jacob Thiem pulled up to the Nowear compound and let a Power Hour rip with videographer Nick Zue behind the lens. Jacob wasted no time and got straight to work. He let his clean style and powerful trick choice shine in this one. Don’t let me keep you, Hit play and enjoy.
Antoine Bavoux und seine Homies von der Frankfurter Nachwuchsfraktion waren fleißig und haben in den vergangenen anderthalb Jahren Clips für ein Streetvideo auf den Straßen ihrer Heimatstadt gestackt.