Alex Hiam and Chris James head north for the day. Here's the behind the scenes and left over clips from the good times we had on our bikes. Parks we hit: Caloundra park & Alex Heads park.
After Qualifiers was rained out, FISE goes straight to semi-finals. Despite more rain, the Monster Army riders were able to put down some solid runs, with Justin Dowell qualifying for Finals in second and Jeremy Malott also going through.
We've been kinda low-key working on new full-length Ride video called Headlights for last few months. Mike Mastroni is behind the lens and he's been sprinting around the country filming and living out of his van. We finally got to tag along for some filming during a recent trip to Phoenix with Johnny Raekes, DeMarcus Paul, Ryan Jordan, and Jake Seeley (Jake isn't in this video because he got food poisoning and missed the first few days).
Props returned in late 2017 for a brand new Issue 79 in support of Chris Hallman #fuckcancer.
EAST COAST BMX IN THE STREETS OF MICHIGAN! We've known Nick Seabasty for many years at Animal and we are stoked to have him repping through House Of Wheels shop in Michigan! Nick may no longer be in New Jersey, but he hasn't lost that East Coast mentality, PEEP THIS!
We all wish we could like Garrett Reynolds, but that just ain't possible. But seeing as Garrett is such a nice guy, he went over all of his Fiend and Cinema parts for his bike check and explains why he sets his bike up the way he does. So at least you can build your bike just like his—as long as you're not like six feet tall!
Day five was a travel day. Day six was epic. We got massaged by a waterfall, almost bit by monkeys, saw an epic cave, and met a ton of awesome locals...100% one for the books. "Street Dragon Tour - Seoul, Korea - Day One I'm gonna be on the road with the Vans squad for two whole weeks going from Korea to Malaysia to Singapore, so why not go hard with the daily content?
Our FIRST Athlete of the Week from Down Under! Check out, newest Australian recruit Sam Gibson!