Today we received a copy of BMX Plus! magazine. It's the February 2015 issue so not the freshly new March 2015 mag that we're presenting today. I figure sending the magazine to The Netherlands from the USA simply takes a bit, especially when you have to deal with X-mas and New Year's in between. Let's go March 2015 already. Three of the fastest American BMX racers grace the cover. In the lead we have Alise Post (Redline), followed by Haro's Brooke Crain and GT's Felicia Stancil. If America can send three girls to the 2016 Olympics in Rio, it's probably going to be these ladies. The USABMX Grand Nationals took place in November and they're featured in the new mag. It's the biggest race on earth so expect some big coverage. Tom Dugan has a complete bike out over at FIT Bikes. BMX Plus! tests it. Not sure if they get naked in the process.
Even pro riders get scared for rails, and every rider has to go for
During the wintertime it's tough for magazines to come up with content. It requires some good planning and a few trips to the sun. In issue 196 RIDE focuses on the Brighton Ain't Ready project where riders from all over the world came over to ride all spots in and around Brighton. Lloyd Wright got the cover doing an oppo whopper shot by Eisa Bakos. RIDE UK also celebrated their riders of the year awards by filling up the House Of Vans in London. Mad Jon, Dan Lacey, Matt Priest, Harry Main, the Source, Adrenaline Alley and BSD all picked up their trophies. Nike's Garrett Reynolds also got one but wasn't at the House Of Vans to pick it up in person but gets some coverage in the new issue anyway. The FOX BMX team went to Austin and the report is in #196. They shot guns 'n stuff. NRLY went to the sun in Barcelona while team Proper rolled the dice and stayed in the UK to do a trip. England's got plenty of indoor places these days so there's always a back up plan available.
Making a cover of an American BMX magazine is always nice. Especially as a European rider it means a lot. This month Joris Daudet (France) and Liam Phillips (GBR) make the front page of the longest lasting monthly BMX plublication: BMX Plus! The UCI BMX SX finals in Chula Vista are featured in the February issue and that's where this shot was taken. Next to the race track BMX Plus! also visited the Texas toast event in Austin and calls it Freestyle's Greatest Gathering. It's one of the better ones for sure. If you didn't get a new race bike for X-mas or if your sponsor just ditched you for 2015, you can look at the 2015 BMX RACE buyer's guide with over 100 rides that can take you to the finish line first. Make the right choice.
GT's got a new OS20 Pro series bike that BMX Plus! takes a look at. Also the new Ssquared CEO gets inspected. That's a bike, not the boss. Gary Littlejohn's article involves inventing BMX. Curious what he has to say? Get yourself a copy of the new issue.
freedombmx 122 looks back on the year 2014. Some interviews were started early on and are now completed. The mag will be available in the next days and has a whole bunch of stuff in it. We'll help you on the way by showing the contents list.
-My Block: Mainz
-Daniel Juchatz Interview
-Alex & Felix Stinshoff Interview
-Transitions in the streets
-Fabian Bader & Kilian Roth on Tour
-Vans Rebeljam
-Hannover, was geht?
-Adventsjam Aurich
-Hello, my name is Marcel Gans & Dustyn Alt
-Fahrschule (how-to) Magic Hop
A new product on the market, the social media glove. Not that the Mujjo glove is called like that but that's how we dubbed it. It's getting cold out there and these gloves are designed to work the phone without having to take them off. That's handy as we want to keep you updated on everything BMX even when it's cold and we're stuck outside.
The Mujjo glove is comfy because of the fleece liner inside. It's got the style because of the leather wrist closure and cuff. The button was tough to close/open but hopefully that was just because they were new and it'll get better as winter moves on. The Mujjo has grip dots in the palm but not really on the finger tips. Ours came in black. The only right choice for winter gloves. At least if you don't like washing them every week.
The Jan/Feb issue of RideBMX features Tyler Fernengel in Detroit, modifying spots with Christian Rigal, NORA Cup 2014, Dan Lacey, Zack Warden, Colin Varanyak, and more… Here's the hoopla that's inside #206:
- Departments -
Cory Wiergowski gets his smith grinds on, Bryan Baker does a slippery toboggan at night, and Pat Sabo rocks a fufanu.
Pro Q&A: Dan Lacey
One of the hardest hitting street riders in the game.
Some of the latest goods from some of the greatest brands in BMX.
The New Soul is out now in France, the french scene at its finest right behind this Zoological cover from Pupa Fizz’T:
Figurer : Spécial Moyen Format
Oeuvrer : Sérignan
Le vélo : Luc Legrand
Illustrer : Pupa Fuzz’T
Sélectionner : Le matos de noël
La relève : Florian Girard
Evoluer : Les vidéos
Réaliser : Above Below
Participer : Fise export
La génèse : Ronnie Napolitan