Before we let this one run old as well we thought we'd give you the contents list of the latest issue of DIGBMX. Look for this cover at the newsstands now (UK) and Mid-September for the rest of us.-IGNITION: Nike 6.0 Meet The People Jam in Cologne,
Albie Bennett Camera Destroyer, Hoffman setting the record straight.
-DIG THIS: News,
Sean Burns’ Reason Why, High fives with Taliban Tom, The Red Bull Empire of Dirt.
-VIDEOSTORE: Attention Stalybridge: the best UK video you haven’t seen, and the release of the Backyard DVD box set.
Nigel Sylvester interview.
-ROAD WORTHY: Lonely Planet updates from Mexico to Glasgow with FBM’s Gypsy Caravan, BSD, Sunday, S&M and Subrosa.
-PROGRESS REPORT: Mirraco’s Florida to UK transplant,
Dave Rytell.