Miharu Ozawa is 10 years old. She landed her first backflip barspin on the resi.
9-year-old BMX prodigy Connor Stitt is on his way to becoming a BMX pro. His young age and small body don’t stop him from doing a multitude of impressive yet dangerous tricks on his bike, including a 360, superman, bar spin, tail whip, backflip and double backflip. Falling hurts, but landing feels ohhh sooo gooood.
We're just gonna put this lil' compilation right here so we can say we knew her when... introducing 10-year-old Keir Sirlin. Keir hails from Vancouver, Washington, has a little brother named Steele who also shreds, and skates great too! She loves BMX and we love her!
Caiden takes his bmx bike to Camp Woodward East in Pennsylvania where he meets new friends, competes in crazy challenges including high jump and long jump, boosts the mini mega ramp and more!
Caiden is getting into something new! He got a race go kart! Come along to his first time at the race track! It's always fun to challenge yourself with something new that you have NO experience doing! He also brings his Bmx bike to the track!
FATBMX kids. 14y.o 2019 Autumn by bmx- yu.
Caiden fills his bmx bike tires with water! I can't believe it actually worked! Will he be able to do tricks? Will they pop? Will it be heavy?
Caiden and Ryken play a new BMX game where they are given one nasty food and one trick they have to choose which they would rather! Who backflips into a pool, eats an onion, bugs, sardines and more!
Billy lives in Newcastle, England and loves to ride his bike and push himself as much as possible every time he rides. He also enjoys riding his mountain bike when not being able to get out on his Bmx.
Caiden and Keir build an obstacle course for their bmx bikes that has Oobleck, Oorbeez and SLIME! Everyone falls in!