Riders from Slovakia, Germany and Hungary battled at the C1 BMX Park Hungarian Cup Series - Round 3 Debrecen, Hungary on 16 September 2023. The results can be found below. See who scored most UCI ranking points in Hungary this past Saturday.
Men Park:
1 Zoltán ÚJVÁRY 23 HUN 80.6 200.00
2 Zoltán KEMPF 27 HUN 75.5 160.00
3 Péter NÁHLIK 23 HUN 70.3 130.00
4 Gergő ZÖLD 25 HUN 69 110.00
5 Tomáš TOHOL 19 SVK 68.9 90.00
6 Milán JÓZSA 24 HUN 51 70.00
7 Márk VUKMAN 28 HUN 45 50.00
8 Hans Wilhelm KITTLER 19 GER 16.3 30.00
9 Csepel CSERVENÁK 27 HUN 61.83 20.00
10 János BÁBEL 19 HUN 42.33 10.00
11 Richard KOLEJÁK 17 SVK 37
Results Costa Rican National Championships, held at the 10cio Park in Puntarenas, Costa Rica. 17 September 2023. It was a close battle for the title between Gamaliet Alexander Osegueda Reyes and Kenneth Tencio with less than 2 points dividing the two riders. The 2023 cup went to Kenneth Fabian Tencio Esquivel!
Men Park:
1 Kenneth Fabian TENCIO ESQUIVEL 30 CRC 91.75 200.00 UCI Ranking Points
2 Gamaliet Alexander OSEGUEDA REYES 26 CRC 90.10 160.00
3 Derek SOLANO LOPEZ 19 CRC 79.05 130.00
4 Josue Kaleb ZAPATA GUERRERO 17 CRC 74.39 110.00
5 Leandro Josue QUESADA HERNANDEZ 26 CRC 72.49 90.00
6 Carlos MOLINA MORERA 23 CRC 71.95 70.00
Results Dutch BMX Freestyle championships 2023 Park and Street
Men Park:
1 Pim Scheers
2 Levi Weidmann
3 Jari Roggeveen
4 Arjan Ellens
5 Bruno Colautti
6 Tom van den Bogaard
7 Daniël Wedemeijer
Men Street:
1 Jean Thierry Sprokkelman
2 Zigo Damen
3 Thijmen Berkelaar
4 Kareehm Richardson
5 Darryl Auguste
Amateur Park -15:
1 Saimi Paulissen
2 Sam van Rijswijk
3 Boaz van Calsteren
4 Julian Chen
5 Odin Paulissen
6 Wietse van Veldhoven
7 Jake Penders
8 Nuka Furst
9 Madhu Furst
10 Kieran Vos
11 Raphael Konings
12 Benjamin Burghard
13 Pim Maas
14 Mats van der Zouwen
15 Floris Koppers
Amateur Women -15:
1 Indy Kramer
2 Jikke Schraffordt
Amateur 15+ Park:
1 Thomas Field
2 Tycho Schipper
3 Michael Beaufort
4 Denz van Lare
5 Abel Schreurs
6 Eimantas Zilys
7 Jean De Lannoy
8 Bas Verkaart
9 Ryan Rooijackers
10 Jio Steffens
11 Noud Bekkers
Pics by Halux Visions
Japanese National BMX Freestyle Championships, Park and Flatland. Okayama, Japan. 14 - 17 September 2023
Flatland Men:
1 Yu KATAGIRI 18 JPN 200.00
2 Yu SHOJI 21 JPN 160.00
3 Moto SASAKI 38 JPN 130.00
4 Takumi ISOGAI 21 JPN 110.00
5 Masato ITO 33 JPN 90.00
6 Jigen OMOTEHARA 17 JPN 70.00
7 Ryuga MATSUMURA 21 JPN 50.00
8 Ginsei KAWAUCHI 15 JPN 30.00
9 Fumiya KANNA 31 JPN 20.00
C1 results Gold Coast BMX Freestyle, Australia 15 September 2023
Men Park:
1 Alec DANELUTTI 23 AUS 200.00 UCI Ranking points
2 Jaie TOOHEY 32 AUS 160.00
3 Liam QUINLIVAN 26 AUS 130.00
4 Samuel GIBSON 25 AUS 110.00
5 Joshua MATTHEWS 27 AUS 90.00
6 Xavier GILBEE 17 AUS 70.00
7 Cooper WILSON 19 AUS 50.00
8 Seonghye CHOI 17 KOR 30.00
9 Jake WALLWORK 29 AUS 20.00
Women Park:
One way to get people together is putting a title on an event. BMX Amsterdam put the title Open Dutch BMX Dirt Championship on the poster and the people came. Stijn Hens and Kenneth Tancré made it an international comp as the Belgians were put on the list last minute and Stijn had to borrow a helmet to ride the three jumps that were chosen to crown the champion at the end of the day. It was our first time are BMX Amsterdam, located on the West-Siiiide of Amsterdam at the Grifioen Outdoor facility. It was hard to find a parking spot but that was also caused by the athlethics tournament that took place next to BMX Amsterdam and us arriving fairly late. Practice was just being wrapped up and the comp started with younger age groups. Riders could pick their lines. There were 4 of them to choose from. The table line on the left was most popular with the younger age groups and parents classes, the small table line next to it was an option also and the third line from the left had gaps in between the take-off and landing and was shaped in a bit of a hip kind of way. The bigger line had a huge starting hill and mega kickers and was used by the brave riders in the age groups and the pro class riders.
Taj Mihelich made a presence at BMX Amsterdam. The BMX legend was on a bicycle trip in Europe and pedaled to the ONK to witness the event and check out the facility. The newly added pump track was a nice addition to the already amazing place which has a roller section, spine miniramp with box and an indoor facility with park and street sections also.
Pension plan? Don't really have one. First you gotta see if you actually make it that far. The FATJAM has made it to 65 editions and is not ready to stop. It's the longest running annual BMX jam in the world and looking at the smiles on everyone's faces it would be a mistake to end the good times. So if you have never made it to Aarle-Rixtel for a FATJAM, your live isn't over, you will get an other chance. Also for this edition we had to prepare the sugar Hills trails for the dirt session. It's unbelievable the Killer jump has survived this long. It outlasted many riders and caused some victims once again. That name is there for a reason. You've got to respect the Killer because the moment you don't you'll get killed as some of the youngsters found out. Oh well, there's your new challenge for the next edition; master the Killer. The dirt spot looked good and ready for the afternoon of action. The massive rain the day prior had only helped. Thanks to all who pitched in shaping, digging and getting rid of that grass that keeps coming back.
Once again prizes were handed out around 4pm provided by the raddest companies in BMX. It resulted in happy faces especially when a brand new complete bike was handed out to the 2023 FATJAM Talent presented by OJA. Lentjens will be a BMX lifer. This moment he'll never forget. Aarle-Rixtel breeds BMX-ers and in part it's because of its BMX history. The people who have traveled to send tricks, hang out and party is long. And international.
Burgers were flipped. Mom sponsored the burgers this time. Paul and Robbish flipped them as our