If everyone would be as into BMX as Al Dimino is, the sport would be kicking even more ass. Al flew out West and organized a contest with the help of some friends. Here's the report on his trip:
What a trip it was! First time ever on a plane, was excited..thing took off and I was like "wow this is sick" then after feeling a little out of it I busted out the cd player and Atreyu was rockin it and kept me chill. I then landed in Orange County and outside waiting for me was
Ricky "Ratt" Vigil. Guided by a cell phone I found Rick and we were psyched to take on the mission that was in store for the weekend. BMX Invasion Battle #3 at Real Ride Park in Lake Perris, CA. The scenery and weather was so awesome, I was taking photo's left and right. I had about 287 photo's at the end of my 4 and a half day stay!!