Results British National Championships Asylum Skatepark, United Kingdom 22 - 23 October 2023
Men Park:
1 Kieran REILLY 22 GBR 100.00 UCI Ranking Points
2 Jordan CLARK 24 GBR 2 160.00
3 Dylan HESSEY 20 GBR 3 130.00
4 Declan BROOKS 27 GBR 4 110.00
5 Kaine MITCHELL 25 GBR 5 90.00
6 Kaz CAMPBELL 24 GBR 6 70.00
7 Reef WAY 18 GBR 7 50.00
8 Jack MAGUIRE 22 GBR 8 30.00
9 Thomas RUSSELL 27 GBR 9 20.00
10 Mitch DOOLEY 21 GBR 10 10.00
USA BMX Freestyle National Series Finals Tehachapi, United States Saturday 21 October 2023
Men Park:
1 Kaden STONE 20 USA 92.82 200.00 UCI ranking points
2 Daniel SANDOVAL 29 USA 91.53 160.00
3 Jacob THIEM 23 USA 88.45 130.00
4 Bryce TRYON 23 USA 87.56 110.00
5 Nick BRUCE 31 USA 84.99 90.00
6 Brady BAKER 20 USA 84.70 70.00
7 Marcus CHRISTOPHER 21 USA 80.67 50.00
8 Dante TABUYO OCHOA 22 MEX 70.63 30.00
9 Juan VACA MARTINEZ 22 COL 145.56 20.00
10 Kevin PERAZA GARCIA 29 MEX 142.08 10.00
11 David Vance PERAZA GARCIA 32 MEX 99.72
12 Owen DAVIS 20 USA 62.60
Results USA BMX Freestyle National Series Finals Tehachapi, United States 20 October 2023
Men Park:
1 Daniel SANDOVAL 29 USA 95.79 200.00
2 Marcus CHRISTOPHER 21 USA 92.67 160.00
3 Nick BRUCE 31 USA 90.78 130.00
4 Jacob THIEM 23 USA 86.79 110.00
5 Brady BAKER 20 USA 85.66 90.00
6 Jeffrey WHALEY 27 CAN 84.07 70.00
7 Kevin PERAZA GARCIA 29 MEX 81.78 50.00
8 Bryce TRYON 23 USA 74.16 30.00
9 Maxime CHALIFOUR 24 CAN 149.6 20.00
10 Dante TABUYO OCHOA 22 MEX 140.81 10.00
What a day of finals in Bazhong! Tricks, amplitude, emotions, everything gathered for a high-level final in Bazhong, China, for the final of the 2023 UCI BMX Freestyle World Cup (Park)! In the Pro Men's category, the trio of Logan Martin, Kieran Reilly and Anthony Jeanjean battled it out for first place right to the end, each with more explosive and crazy tricks than the last. In the end, it was Australia's Logan Martin who came out on top with a Nothing Front Bike Flip and 96.74 points, ahead of England's Kieran Reilly (96.56 points) and France's Anthony Jeanjean (95.70).
For the Women's category, the Chinese public were there in force to support their champions, and they weren't disappointed as it was the Chinese rider Ya Wen Deng who won the stage (93.84 points),
It was under the sun of Bazhong, in Sichuan Province, that the 24 Pro Men semi-finalists performed their best runs this Saturday to qualify for the final of the 2023 UCI BMX Freestyle World Cup (Park) in China.
UCI BMX Freestyle - Park: Men qualify for the final
1. BRUCE Nick, USA
2. HESSEY Dylan, GBR
3. JEANJEAN Anthony, FRA
4. MARTIN Logan, AUS
5. REILLY Kieran, GBR
The final stage of the 2023 UCI BMX Freestyle World Cup (Park) kicked off in Bazhong, China this Friday! After Diriyah in Saudi Arabia, Montpellier in France and Brussels in Belgium, the 2023 UCI BMX Freestyle World Cup (Park) comes to an end in China this weekend, in the heart of the mountains of Sichuan Province. On this qualifying day, the best international riders ensured a high level of entertainment in front of the public, to compete for victory in their quest for the 2023 UCI BMX Freestyle World Cup title in Park and to score points towards qualification for the Paris 2024 Olympic Games.
Qualifications UCI BMX Freestyle - Park : Men
Once in a blue moon, an event is organised with a unique touch to it and Red Bull is no stranger to events like this. Last weekend under a clear, moonlit sky it was the perfect occasion for another Red Bull: Full Moon. A fully loaded Red Bull Big Bob truck full of drinks and flood lights all around the famous bowl of Kortrijk, that’s all you need to attract riders from all over Belgium. Word was going around the week before and the Belgian scene was hyped they could all meet up. Top priority for them was having fun and cheering on their friends. But there was prize money to be won too, in a best run and a best trick jam format.
It had been a while since the last major contest in Belgium so everyone was curious for what everyone
The Swiss national championships took place at the World Cycling Centre on Sunday after the C1 competition. The Swiss Park scene made it out and after seeing what was possible on the park on Saturday the Swiss riders sent it hard with the National titles on the line. Next to the Men and Women park classes a couple of riders rode the Junior group (-15). Those who actually have a license scored some UCI points. Nikita and Alexandre both extended their national titles for 2023 scoring 200 UCI points in the process.
Results Swiss National BMX Park Championship Aigle, Switzerland. 01 October 2023.
Men Park:
1 Alexandre SIDERIS 21 SUI 83 200.00 UCI Ranking points
2 Edgar HUBER 16 SUI 73.5 160.00
Women Park:
1 Nikita DUCARROZ 27 SUI 72 200.00 UCI Ranking points
2 Michelle NEUNER 20 SUI 42 160.00
Pics by BdJ / @fatbmx
Results C1 Copa Internacional BMX Freestyle #2 Maringa, Brazil 29 September - 01 October 2023
Men Park:
1 Maxime CHALIFOUR 24 CAN 200.00 UCI Ranking points
2 Jeffrey WHALEY 27 CAN 160.00
3 Douglas LEITE DE OLIVEIRA 32 BRA 130.00
4 Gabriel DOS SANTOS MENDONÇA 29 BRA 110.00
5 Ismael FRIES 27 ARG 90.00
6 Christian FELTAN PRATS 34 ARG 70.00
7 Gonzalo AGUILAR 30 ARG 50.00
9 Alejo SARMIENTO 18 ARG 20.00
10 Luis Felipe RODRIGUES FERRAZ 18 BRA 10.00
11 Victor LAGE SILVA 30 BRA
Results C1 UCI World Cycling Center Aigle, Switzerland 30 September 2023
Women Park:
1 Iveta MICULYČOVÁ 18 CZE 86.00 200.00
2 Nikita DUCARROZ 27 SUI 83.00 160.00
3 Charlotte WORTHINGTON 27 GBR 79.00 130.00
4 Minato OIKE 27 JPN 68.50 110.00
5 Nina BUITRAGO 42 USA 60.17 90.00
6 Valeriia LIUBIMOVA 19 FRA 54.00 70.00
7 Cory COFFEY 41 USA 44.17 50.00
8 Michelle NEUNER 20 SUI 38.00 30.00
Daria DIATLOVA 25 *** DNS
Men Park:
1 Justin DOWELL 23 USA 92.83 200.00
2 Declan BROOKS 27 GBR 91.17 160.00
3 Istvan CAILLET 31 FRA 84.83 130.00
4 Kevin FABREGUE 28 FRA 82.08 110.00